Please fill out our contact form if you have not done so already. You must be assigned a pet sitter and given lock box codes before you can register. Thank you!

New Client Registration

Please complete the following form to create your account with Angel Pet Sitters. On the next page you will be prompted to sign our contract.
All information remains confidential, and will never be shared with anyone outside of APS.

* Minimum of 6 characters.

Lock Box Information

Enter lock box information here. If you only received one code, enter it in both fields.


Personal and Home Information

Please fill out as many fields as possible. This information is particularly important in case of an emergency.

* *
* *
Your address will be displayed in the map below once you have filled out the address, city, and zip code fields.
Emergency contacts (relative/friend/neighbor, local or not):
* *

In case of emergency, where are the following?

Pet Information

Tell us about your pet(s):
(If you have been instructed, you may list one cage/tank with multiple small animals/fish, a brood of chickens, an un-weaned litter, etc. as one pet.)


Pet Sitter Information